With the increasing popularity of tattoo and body piercing, the Champaign Health District tattoo and body piercing inspection program helps to protect the public from infectious disease.

The Champaign Health District protects public health by regulating businesses that offer tattooing and/or body piercing services. All Tattoo Parlors are required to obtain a license from the Health District prior to opening. In order to obtain a license, the operator must submit plans and have an pre-operational inspection. Tattoo parlors are inspected annually regarding tattoo procedures such as disposal of sharps and equipment cleaning, sanitation, proper handwashing, safety and record-keeping. The rules for this program are prescribed under Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-9. A list of licensed and inspected body art and body piercing establishments can be requested from the Champaign Health District Environmental Health Services Division.

The current Tattoo Parlor licensing fee is $100.00 annually, the licensing period is January 1 to December 31.