
Champaign Health District

Project DAWN


Overdose Education & Narcan© Distribution

What is Project DAWN?

Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) is a naloxone distribution program, which is grant-funded through the Ohio Department of Health. Narcan© is a brand of naloxone medication that can be used to quickly reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug.

This program educates individuals and organizations in the community, those at risk of overdose, as well as family and friends of opioid users on how to recognize an overdose and respond appropriately. Learn more about Project DAWN by visiting their website here.

Champaign Health District is able to provide free education and Narcan© Nasal Spray through grand funding provided by Ohio Department of Health.

How can I get Narcan©?

There are 3 main ways Champaign Health District provides free education and Narcan© Nasal Spray:

  1. Mail Order: If you would like to order Narcan© and have it shipped to your address, you can do so online or over the phone. Champaign Health District will then mail Narcan© Nasal Spray to the address you provide. To order, click here or call 937-484-1619.

  2. Attend a Training: To learn about training opportunities near you, call 937-484-1619. Every training class teaches how to recognize signs of an overdose, how to respond, how to use Narcan© Nasal Spray, and the importance of calling 9-1-1.

  3. Host a Training: If you are interested in hosting a training at your workplace, business, church, or other facility, we can arrange a training to meet your needs. Every training class teaches how to recognize signs of an overdose, how to respond, how to use Narcan© Nasal Spray, and the importance of calling 9-1-1. To organize a training for your staff or community, email us or call 937-484-1619.

click here For local recovery resources.

For more information about this program, please call Champaign Health District at (937) 484-1619 or email us.