The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a result of collaborative community participation. Contributors include multiple task force and coalition partners, as well as individual community members. The CHIP is based on the results of these activities and helped identify the following four priority issues for Champaign County:

Priority Topics:

Mental Health and Substance Use

Reproductive Health

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

Maternal/Infant/Child Health

Four Committees:

Mental Health
Healthy Living
Substance Abuse
Early Childhood

Reproductive Health

A shared community vision influences the activities of the Committee:

Vision Statement:

Champaign County is a thriving community that works together to promote wellness, prevent disease, and protect from harm.

Our vision for Champaign County:

Residents have access to essentials of living and health care services, which allow them to improve their physical, emotional, and environmental health. The Champaign County community has a sense of culture that encourages engagement and inclusivity. Collaborating agencies share collective goals while valuing transparency, accountability, and mutual trust.