The Nursing and Personal Health Services division administers programs and services related to prevention of disease and promotion of health and healthy living.  Services are provided by public health nurses and program specialists to individuals and groups. 

 Public health nurses integrate community involvement and knowledge about the entire population with personal, clinical understandings of the health, and illness experiences of individuals and families within the population.

 Health education is available on a variety of topics to either individuals or groups by contacting the district at 937-484-1667.

Click here to access health data pertaining to Champaign County and other counties in the State of Ohio.

 Do you need a guide of health and welfare related services in Clark and Champaign Counties? The Community Health Foundation Resource Guide is an invaluable resource of nonprofit or governmental agencies as well as commercial and for-profit organizations and individuals that provide services.  Many provide services that are either free or offered at reduced cost or on a sliding fee scale. They may also welcome self-pay patients, accept Medicaid and/or Medicare, or offer specialized or unique health/welfare related services. Or, they have unique hours of operation. Click here to access this resource.


Head Lice

Head Lice is considered a public health nuisance, not a public health threat. Public health nurses work closely with school nurses to keep the incidence low in the community. For parents and caretakers wanting more information on the most effective way to handle treatment and prevention, call and consult with the nurses at 937-484-1667.

Blood Pressure Screening

Free blood pressure checks are available during regular office hours without an appointment, based on nurse availability.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy testing is available Tuesday through Thursday from 8:30 AM until 3:00 PM by appointment only.  Early morning pregnancy tests are the most accurate.  Early entry into prenatal care is an important indicator in ensuring a healthier outcome for pregnant women and their newborns. To help address this problem, the Health District offers this service to all women for a $5.00 fee with no one being denied service for inability to pay.

TB Testing

"TB" is short for tuberculosis. TB disease is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal. Skin testing for Tuberculosis is available by appointment only on Tuesdays from 8:30AM - 3:00 PM with a return visit on Thursday to be read. The cost is $15.00 each injection.

Community Education

Champaign Health District staff are available upon request for clubs and organizations. Speakers address environmental, health, and safety information as requested. Talks may be modified as needed for groups of all ages. For more information or to schedule a speaker, call: 937-484-1607.

Communicable Disease

To prevent further spread of infection/disease, the Champaign Health District provides surveillance, assessment, counseling, and a contact notification system to intervene in the chain of infection. The success of this program is evidenced by the low incidence of communicable and vaccine preventable disease in the county.