The CHD Epidemiology/Communicable Disease department provides the following services for Champaign County, Ohio:

  • Collect and analyze health-related data and information pertaining to the county’s residents and neighborhoods in the form of reports and presentations.

  • Monitor, identify, investigate and report emerging health threats with the assistance of other public health divisions (Environmental Health and Health Education).

  • Offer data support to other CHD programs and community agencies for use in health policy, planning, and programming decisions.

To Request Data from CHD’s Epidemiology/Communicable Disease Team, please email CHD at with the request.

DISCLAIMER: When requesting data or looking at data, 2020 numbers are not a good representation of that year. This is due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Annual/Biannual/Quarterly Reports:

Other/Miscellaneous Reports:

Outside Resources: