Healthy Lives, Healthy Community


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What is Public Health?

There is a song that says "A picture is worth a thousand words" so I thought I would share an infographic that the American Public Health Association developed to share with America what public health is - click here to view the graphic.

The Champaign Health District is charged with meeting the public health needs of all residents of Champaign County.  In order to determine whether or not we are meeting these needs, we assess the services and/or programs that we provide based on the Essential Public Health Services as developed by the CDC to describe the public health activities that should be undertaken in all communities. The following list of the ten essential services is followed by the program and/or service that the Champaign Health District undertakes to meet the standard and assure quality public health services to Champaign County Residents.

Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems.

        Determine and monitor water quality, Immunizations, HIV testing and counseling, Food-borne illness investigations, Bio-emergency preparation and coordination, Screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar, Community health needs assessment, Child lead-poisoning surveillance

Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community.

        Epidemiology, Tuberculosis screening and case management, Investigation and evaluation of nuisance complaints

Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.

        Health education and promotion, WIC educational programs

Mobilize community partnerships and action to identify and solve health problems.

        Bio-emergency regional collaborations, Community partnerships with law enforcement, social service agencies, private providers, and EMA, Collaboration with WIC, Public health nursing, Advocate for emergency needs of special/functional needs  population

Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts.

        Board of Health rules/regulations, Monitor, inspect, and register contractors and providers of Environmental Health programs, Community health planning, Strategic and performance planning, Establishment of procedures to deal with contaminated or high risk sites

Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety.

        Hazardous materials and site inspections for safe disposal, Professional licensure and regulation, Food inspections, Tattoo inspections, Enforcement of local and state ordinances

Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.

        Case management for tuberculosis and Children with Medical Handicaps, Newborn home visits, WIC, Health education and promotion

Assure competent public and personal health care workforce.

        Food service worker safety courses, Regional bio-emergency meetings, Performance evaluation, Continuing education for professional staff

Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services.

        Data management, Quality improvement, Community health needs assessment

Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems.

        Community health needs assessment, Bio-emergency surveillance and data collection, Customer satisfaction surveys, Study of best practices in public health

Gabe Jones1 Comment