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Our second #COVID19 testimonial:


"Back in late April I came down with a fever, and a slight cough. Within a day or two, I could not breathe. My wife took me to [the hospital] where I was given my first COVID-19 test. It came back positive, and I spent the night there before I was transported to [another hospital]. My breathing continued to get worse, and within a few days I was placed on a ventilator. I was given a 25% survival rate if I went onto the ventilator, and no chance of survival if I didn’t. I remained on the ventilator for 23 days, and suffered multiple organ failure. I was given dialysis around the clock, as well as being turned to the prone position to help my breathing. I was put on paralytics, and my family was told to prepare for the worst. Slowly I began to get better, until on June 4th I suffered a stroke that set me back in my recovery. Again I slowly began to recover, and in a few weeks I was transferred to [another facility] for rehabilitation. I spent two weeks there building my strength back up until I was finally released. I spent a total of 61 days in the hospital trying to beat COVID-19. I also lost over 40 pounds throughout my journey. I returned home where I once again started rehabilitation. I did another 5 weeks of rehab. I was able to return to work in mid September, only to be put back off of work in October due to my inability to perform my job. I am currently still off work, trying to recover.

My lasting effects from Covid-19 are raspy breathing, loss of voice from the ventilator, nodules in my lungs from having two different types of pneumonia, memory loss, damage to my left leg from the stroke, scarring on my face and neck, and many, many more."

Gabe Jones