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Our third #COVID19 testimonial:

"I was diagnosed with COVID-19 in July. I spent 14 days at [the hospital], 10 of those in ICU on a high flow nasal cannula. While in ICU, I received a plasma transfusion, several units of Remdesivir, along with other anti viral medication, and vitamins. At one point when the percentage of oxygen I could be given through the high flow nasal cannula was at it's highest, they thought I would have to be on a vent and I might not make it home. One of the physicians had me lay in the pronning position to try and help open my lungs. I laid in this position for several hours a day until I was discharged and at home as well. One of the hardest parts of being in the hospital for 14 days was not being able to physically see my family, only through video chat. I also missed my oldest daughters birthday.

A lot of people think once your home and you finally test negative, you've recovered. Now you have a laundry list of side effects from COVID to deal with. I've lost half of my hair, my pulse/blood pressure runs higher, I had bilateral pneumonia until 6 weeks post discharge, teeth are loosening, joint pain, skin peeling like you had a sunburn, redness of the face, skin/nerve pain, anxiety/depression, agitation, short term memory loss, use of oxygen at night/inhalers, multiple doctor appointments, and follow up testing."

- Anonymous

Gabe Jones