#COVID19 Update:
- 15 total cases in Champaign County (13 confirmed, 2 probable)
- 18,027 total cases in Ohio
- 3,533 hospitalizations in Ohio
- 1,035 ICU admissions in Ohio
- 975 total deaths in Ohio (1 in Champaign County)
*FAQ: Why doesn't Champaign County or Ohio post recovered case numbers? Just as Dr. Amy Acton explains, the definition of a recovered case is not yet determined. The timeline varies greatly among those who have COVID-19. Some people are severely ill for weeks, while others may only be symptomatic for one day. There has not been enough testing to be able to confirm when someone is recovered to see if they test negative. When recovered cases can be tracked definitively, we will then have the ability to determine recovered cases in Champaign County.