Mobile Home Parks

Champaign Health District’s Mobile Home Program prevents disease, safety hazards, and unsanitary conditions within these facilities.

The Mobile Home Park program ensures a safe and sanitary environment through compliance inspections, plan review and education.

Effective December 1, 2012 all manufactured home park operators will be licensed and regulated by the Ohio Manufactured Home Park Commission (OMHC) pursuant to the passage of H.B. #487.

The Champaign Health District will continue with the annual Manufactured Home Park inspection under a contractual agreement with OMHC. Click here for manufactured home park operator rules.

This office does not perform the installation inspections of new or replacement homes within Manufactured Home Parks. Manufactured Home Park Operators must contact OMHC regarding submission of plans and a list of recognized third party inspectors. OMHC can be contacted directly at (614) 734-6010.