Water Wells

The Champaign Health District ensures that citizens have safe and healthy private water systems.

The Champaign Health District’s Private Water Well Program prevents communicable disease and illness associated with drinking water from small public and individual private water systems.
The Champaign Health District issues permits for the development of new private water systems and for the alteration of existing systems. These systems are inspected and sampled as part of the approval process. The following items are required and/or must be submitted for an approved water system under 3701-28 of the Ohio Administrative Code:

  1. Well Log

  2. Job Status/Well pump completion form

  3. Safe water sample by the Health District

  4. Site inspection by the Health District

  5. Completed Water System application

The Champaign Health District also performs Real Estate inspections of private water systems. As part of this inspection, the Health District samples the water for the presence of Total Coliform organisms.

private water well program Fees:       

CHD Well permit $230.00

Ohio Department of Health $74.00

ODNR $20.00

Total: $324.00

Forms and applications

Water System/Permit Application                         

Chemical Fact Sheets

Job Status/Completion Form

How to disinfect a well