Sleep Related Infant Deaths by Numbers:

  • Sleep-related infant death is the leading cause of mortality in Ohio and the U.S. for infants 1 month to 1 year of age.*

  • In 2010, there were 3 sleep-related infant deaths every week in Ohio

  • The number of black babies dying ( in both OH and the U.S.) is at twice the rate when compared with white babies dying. This disparity is concerning and has increased over the years rather than decreased.

  • Ohio’s preliminary report for 2011, indicates that Ohio has not improved and falls far short of other states. Ohio is ranked the 11th highest in U.S.

*prematurity and congenital anomalies are the leading causes for infants up to 1 month of age, according to the ODH

What Can I Do?

Yes, you can make a difference!
We can reduce the number of infant deaths by working together! It is vital that pregnant women and new moms have support from those closest to them in their efforts to support safe sleep practices.  Become familiar with the recommendations and talk to family, friends, caregivers about this information.  If you want more information, a presentation for your group or specific education for your family members click the button below.  Your roll in sharing the information is so important.
(Pass it on– we’re in this together…)